Chair: Diane W. Gordon, MD
Contact Me
Vice-Chair for Education & Curriculum:Chelsea Vitu, MD
Vice-Chair for Communication & Outreach: Carole Lin, MD
Vice-Chair for Greening the Meeting:Galaxy Li, MD
The Special Interest Group for Sustainability brings together pediatric anesthesiologists with a passion for learning, teaching, and practicing ways to reduce the environmental impact of anesthesia and the wider operating room environment. The SIG will facilitate eduction on sustainability topics at meetings, foster collaboration across institutions, promote sharing of ideas for projects and publications, and maintain the creative energy of pediatric anesthesiologists working for changes in their hospitals.
NEW! The Sustainability SIG is helping to recruit pediatric anesthesia groups to a multi-institutional quality improvement and implementation science project to reduce GHG emissions! Visit the website to learn more! Project Spruce Forest
Check out our Sustainability in Anesthesia blog for links to events, webinars, networking, and tools to decrease the environmental impact of your practice!