Chair: Meera Gangadharan, MBBS, FAAP
Contact Me
Mission: To be the flagship advocacy, educational and research group for anesthesiology needs for children in disasters.
(1) Provide a forum for anesthesiologists to discuss pediatric disaster preparedness via email, phone, web-based and in-person platforms
(2) Become a resource that anesthesia providers can turn to for pediatric disaster preparedness
(3) Liaise with the pediatric blood management and global outreach special interest groups to optimize the care of children in disasters
(4) Under the auspices of SPA and ASA (American Society of Anesthesiologists), liaise with the AAP and other organizations to highlight anesthesia concerns in pediatric disaster preparedness, and write a white paper on this subject, if deemed necessary
(5) Provide education materials on what anesthesiologists might want to know about children and disasters by developing checklists, protocols for running drills, educational materials about consent and resource allocation etc.
(6) Explore changes that anesthesiologists and surgeons can implement in disease management during disasters to optimize outcomes for the maximum number of patients
We encourage all members of SPA to join the group.