Deadline: February 26, 2024
In accordance with the SPA bylaws, the SPA Nominating Committee is seeking candidates for the following leadership positions.
Elections for positions on the SPA Board of Directors will occur before the SPA 38th Annual Meeting in October 2024. The vote will be electronic and take place during the coming summer. Based on our current by-laws, the Nominating Committee is responsible for bringing a slate of candidates for the position of Secretary-Treasurer and all open at-large Director positions for approval by the Board of Directors.
The Nominating Committee is asking members to submit nominations for these open positions. Please note that nominees for the position of Secretary-Treasurer must have a demonstrated track record of success leading society activities reporting directly to the Board. Nominees for at-large Director positions should have an established record of participation and/or leadership of SPA committee activities. Self-nominations will be accepted. By prior Board recommendation and standing practice, the Nominating Committee will recommend that the current officers move up in rank, to provide continuity of governance. Write-in candidates for the offices of Secretary-Treasurer, Vice President/President-Elect, and President of SPA are welcome.
The candidate selection process has evolved over the past quarter century. The process begins with your active participation in SPA activities. The best way for you as a member to signal interest in SPA is by participating in committees and task forces! Most Board of Directors positions are filled by members who have been active on committees, helped write the Newsletter or were program chairs for SPA meetings.
Elected members of the SPA Board of Directors have significant responsibilities and are making a real commitment to the Society and the specialty.
- At-Large Directors serve one 4-year term. Board members must attend at least 75% of the Board meetings which take place prior to the Annual Meeting in October and the Winter/Spring meeting held jointly with the AAP. Board members also are expected to participate in at least 75% of the monthly conference calls.
- Members of the Board of Directors should not have or accept simultaneous or overlapping appointments on either the Executive Committee of the AAP Section on Anesthesia and Pain Management or the ASA Board, since these positions also require considerable time and energy. Your SPA Board reaffirms this longstanding practice so that leadership opportunities in our specialty are available to more participants; for this reason, we ask you not to nominate yourself for the SPA Board (or accept a nomination by someone else) if you anticipate a similar position on another Board. The Chair of the AAP Section on Anesthesiology and Pain Management and the Chair of the ASA Committee on Pediatric Anesthesiology (COPA) have ex officio positions on the SPA Board to foster communication and information exchange among the groups interested in pediatric anesthesia. The CCAS Board and the SPPM Board have designated voting positions on the Board of Directors.
- Officers (Executive Committee) are committing to 8 years of service as they progress through the officer positions, requiring the same meeting attendance as for Board members. In addition, officers chair many of the SPA standing committees.
- Officers and Board members are expected to make a yearly tax-deductible contribution to the SPA Research and Education Fund in an amount established by the President and Executive Committee.
The following are required for your nomination(s):
- Name and Institution of Nominee
- Position for nomination (Secretary-Treasurer or At-Large Director)
- Short paragraph describing why nominee would make good candidate (board/committee)
- Nominee CV
Please send in your nominations to Kim Battle at [email protected] by Monday, February 26, 2024.